The average teacher spends $650 - $1000 of their own money to purchase classroom supplies every year and this year, with COVID precautions in place, that number is likely to be even higher.
The City of Greensboro believes that education is everyone's business. We want
teachers and students to have the tools they need for success, so we are partnering with
Guilford Education Alliance (GEA) and we need your help!
Each year, the Teacher Supply Warehouse provides free supplies for teachers in Guilford County Schools. Our community's generosity helps provide Guilford County Schools (GCS) students & teachers the tools that they need to be successful. We are proud to provide an opportunity for citizens to settle parking tickets with an equal value donation to the Teacher Supply Warehouse! Handicapped parking citations and tickets with late penalties are excluded.
GEA operates the Teacher Supply Warehouse, where Guilford County School educators can shop for new and gently-used classroom supplies at no cost! Make a donation and help GEA keep the shelves stocked with all the most need items like individual dry erase boards, marker sets, flash drives, and other items. Let's work together to make sure the shelves of the Warehouse are stocked with all the most-needed supplies. Make your donation today!
GEA DOUBLES the value of your donation by buying in bulk at the best prices.
EVERY dollar makes a difference for a student:
$5 = 36 big pink erasers – we all make mistakes
$14 = 78 glue sticks
$25 = class set of clipboards – great for outside lessons
$49 = 111 dry erase markers – we can’t keep them on the shelf
$77 = 92 packs of crayons – because creative expression matters!
$103 = 1152 No. 2 pencils
$252 = 336 composition notebooks – for all those great insights
Thank you for supporting education!
Bright futures start now.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.